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Algorithm Gossip: 生命游戏


生命游戏(game of life)为1970年由英国数学家J. H. Conway所提出,某一细胞的邻居包括上、下、左、右、左上、左下、右上与右下相邻之细胞,游戏规则如下:

  1. 孤单死亡:如果细胞的邻居小于一个,则该细胞在下一次状态将死亡。
  2. 拥挤死亡:如果细胞的邻居在四个以上,则该细胞在下一次状态将死亡。
  3. 稳定:如果细胞的邻居为二个或三个,则下一次状态为稳定存活。
  4. 复活:如果某位置原无细胞存活,而该位置的邻居为三个,则该位置将复活一细胞。



  1. 邻居个数为0、1、4、5、6、7、8时,则该细胞下次状态为死亡。
  2. 邻居个数为2时,则该细胞下次状态为稳定。
  3. 邻居个数为3时,则该细胞下次状态为复活。


  • C /#include /#include /#include /#define MAXROW 10 /#define MAXCOL 25 /#define DEAD 0 /#define ALIVE 1 int map[MAXROW][MAXCOL], newmap[MAXROW][MAXCOL]; void init(); int neighbors(int, int); void outputMap(); void copyMap(); int main() { int row, col; char ans; init(); while(1) { outputMap(); for(row = 0; row < MAXROW; row++) { for(col = 0; col < MAXCOL; col++) { switch (neighbors(row, col)) { case 0: case 1: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: newmap[row][col] = DEAD; break; case 2: newmap[row][col] = map[row][col]; break; case 3: newmap[row][col] = ALIVE; break; } } } copyMap(); printf("\nContinue next Generation ? "); getchar(); ans = toupper(getchar()); if(ans != 'Y') break; } return 0; } void init() { int row, col; for(row = 0; row < MAXROW; row++) for(col = 0; col < MAXCOL; col++) map[row][col] = DEAD; puts("Game of life Program"); puts("Enter x, y where x, y is living cell"); printf("0 <= x <= %d, 0 <= y <= %d\n", MAXROW-1, MAXCOL-1); puts("Terminate with x, y = -1, -1"); while(1) { scanf("%d %d", &row, &col); if(0 <= row && row < MAXROW && 0 <= col && col < MAXCOL) map[row][col] = ALIVE; else if(row == -1 || col == -1) break; else printf("(x, y) exceeds map ranage!"); } } int neighbors(int row, int col) { int count = 0, c, r; for(r = row-1; r <= row+1; r++) for(c = col-1; c <= col+1; c++) { if(r < 0 || r >= MAXROW || c < 0 || c >= MAXCOL) continue; if(map[r][c] == ALIVE) count++; } if(map[row][col] == ALIVE) count--; return count; } void outputMap() { int row, col; printf("\n\n%20cGame of life cell status\n"); for(row = 0; row < MAXROW; row++) { printf("\n%20c", ' '); for(col = 0; col < MAXCOL; col++) if(map[row][col] == ALIVE) putchar('/#'); else putchar('-'); } } void copyMap() { int row, col; for(row = 0; row < MAXROW; row++) for(col = 0; col < MAXCOL; col++) map[row][col] = newmap[row][col]; }

  • Java import; import; import; public class LifeGame { private boolean[][] map; private boolean[][] newmap; public LifeGame(int maxRow, int maxColumn) { map = new boolean[maxRow][maxColumn]; newmap = new boolean[maxRow][maxColumn]; } public void setCell(int x, int y) { map[x][y] = true; } public void next() { for(int row = 0; row < map.length; row++) { for(int col = 0; col < map[0].length; col++) { switch (neighbors(row, col)) { case 0: case 1: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: newmap[row][col] = false; break; case 2: newmap[row][col] = map[row][col]; break; case 3: newmap[row][col] = true; break; } } } copyMap(); } public void outputMap() throws IOException { System.out.println("\n\nGame of life cell status"); for(int row = 0; row < map.length; row++) { System.out.print("\n "); for(int col = 0; col < map[0].length; col++) if(map[row][col] == true) System.out.print('/#'); else System.out.print('-'); } } private void copyMap() { for(int row = 0; row < map.length; row++) for(int col = 0; col < map[0].length; col++) map[row][col] = newmap[row][col]; } private int neighbors(int row, int col) { int count = 0; for(int r = row-1; r <= row+1; r++) for(int c = col-1; c <= col+1; c++) { if(r < 0 || r >= map.length || c < 0 || c >= map[0].length) continue; if(map[r][c] == true) count++; } if(map[row][col] == true) count--; return count; } public static void main(String[] args) throws NumberFormatException, IOException { BufferedReader bufReader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(; LifeGame game = new LifeGame(10, 25); System.out.println("Game of life Program"); System.out.println( "Enter x, y where x, y is living cell"); System.out.println("0 <= x < 10, 0 <= y < 25"); System.out.println("Terminate with x, y = -1, -1"); while(true) { String[] strs = bufReader.readLine().split(" "); int row = Integer.parseInt(strs[0]); int col = Integer.parseInt(strs[1]); if(0 <= row && row < 10 && 0 <= col && row < 25) game.setCell(row, col); else if(row == -1 || col == -1) { break; } else { System.out.print( "(x, y) exceeds map ranage!"); } } while(true) { game.outputMap();; System.out.print( "\nContinue next Generation ? "); String ans = bufReader.readLine().toUpperCase(); if(!ans.equals("Y")) break; } } }

转载请注明作者(RobinChia)和出处 It so life ,请勿用于任何商业用途
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