robin,生于81年,目前在北京工作。 空闲时间思考人生,思考社会,思考世界,或者其它。
工作用java,广泛涉猎技术。空余看看python,scala,hadoop等,在linux下弄git,,一句话:折腾技术。 闲暇时间整下blog,最近刚从Jekyll转为Hexo。
about me
robin,born in 1981,working in Beijing. think about life,society,the world, or some other.
Working with java, broad range of technologies.At free time, study python, scala, hadoop ,git, linux and so on. One words : toss technology. This is my blog, recently turn it from Jekyll into Hexo.
email: arcticchia@gmail.com
website: itsolife.com