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A detailed walk through a CAS authentication
(and how to get your mits on the authenticated user)
Welcome! First of all, what is CAS?
Web single sign on Uses “federated” authentication, where all authentication is done by the CAS server, instead of individual application servers The implementation is an open source protocol, open source Java server, and several open source clients Purdue runs a CAS server, configured to authenticate with Purdue Career Account ( As of 4/5/2011, 349 application servers are authorized to check CAS tickets More can be found at:
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Purdue University Identity and Access Management 1
A detailed walk through a CAS authentication
(and how to get your mits on the authenticated user)
There are three machines in this game
a) Browser b) Application server
Configured with a CAS client to require authentication for certain urls Serves CAS login web page and authenticates users Issues TGT cookie (ticket granting ticket) so user does not have to login every redirect to CAS server Redirects back to application server with ticket=ST-xxx service ticket in url for CAS client to check Validates CAS service tickets for application servers
c) CAS server (
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Purdue University Identity and Access Management
A detailed walk through a CAS authentication
(and how to get your mits on the authenticated user)
1) initial request 2) redirect to CAS login page with service=url_back_to_sampleapp_page
CAS server
3) request CAS login page 4) html for CAS login page 5) POST login and password 6) set CASTGC cookie and redirect to sampleapp with ticket=ST-xxx 7) back to initial request, with ticket=ST-xxx (the service ticket) 10) sampleapp responds with application page 9)ticket validation response 8) validate ST-xxx service ticket
Purdue University Identity and Access Management
A detailed walk through a CAS authentication
(and how to get your mits on the authenticated user)
Step 1 – initial request
“sampleapp” application server is configured with a CAS client to require authentication for certain urls (in this example /test) User with browser accesses /test on sampleapp If browser does not already have session on sampleapp, sampleapp transfers control to the CAS client If the CAS client does not see a ticket parameter in the request, user is redirected back to the CAS login page with service=url_to_return_to, in this example http://localhost:8080/sampleapp/test
Purdue University Identity and Access Management
A detailed walk through a CAS authentication
(and how to get your mits on the authenticated user)
Step 2 – redirect to CAS login page
User is redirected back to CAS server for authentication Application server (sampleapp) logs
20110329 09:16:46,843 DEBUG [org.jasig.cas.client.authentication.AuthenticationFilter]
A detailed walk through a CAS authentication
(and how to get your mits on the authenticated user)
Step 3 – browser requests CAS login page
CAS server checks for its CASTGC cookie (ticket granting ticket), if it's there, user is already authenticated via CAS, skip to step 6 and redirect back to sampleapp with a service ticket If no CASTGC is present, serve browser the CAS login page CAS server access log:
0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 [29/Mar/2011:09:16:47 0400] "GET /casserveruberwebapp 3.4.6/login?service=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A8080%2Fsampleapp%2Ftest%2F HTTP/1.1" 200 6935
Purdue University Identity and Access Management
A detailed walk through a CAS authentication
(and how to get your mits on the authenticated user)
Step 4 – CAS server sends login page to browser
This is nice because application servers do not need to
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maintain their own login page maintain login/password credentials to do the actual authentication even see the password, it's between the browser and CAS server
Purdue University Identity and Access Management
A detailed walk through a CAS authentication
(and how to get your mits on the authenticated user)
Step 5 – browser POSTs login/password to CAS server
CAS server checks login and password, if authentication fails serve another login page to browser Too many unsuccessful authentication attempts in a short period of time will result in a “lockout”, where authentication will always fail for a 15 minute lockout period CAS server access log:
0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 [29/Mar/2011:09:16:52 0400] "POST /casserveruberwebapp 3.4.6/login?service=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A8080%2Fsampleapp%2Ftest%2F HTTP/1.1" 302
Purdue University Identity and Access Management
A detailed walk through a CAS authentication
(and how to get your mits on the authenticated user)
Step 6 – CAS server redirects back to application server
A ticket granting ticket TGT-xxx is stored on the CAS server, and set as a CASTGC cookie A service ticket is issued for the application (http://localhost:8080/sampleapp/test/) and sent as a parameter back to the application server
20110329 09:16:52,208 DEBUG []
A detailed walk through a CAS authentication
(and how to get your mits on the authenticated user)
Step 7 – browser re-requests url from application server, with a CAS service ticket
Application server still has not yet established a session, so CAS client takes control CAS client sees a ticket parameter in the url, that can be checked with the CAS server CAS service ticket is only valid one time, and the CAS client needs to use it within 90 seconds or it will expire
Purdue University Identity and Access Management
A detailed walk through a CAS authentication
(and how to get your mits on the authenticated user)
Step 8 – application server checks CAS service ticket sent by browser in url
CAS client preparing to check service ticket:
20110329 09:16:52,231 DEBUG [org.jasig.cas.client.validation.Cas20ProxyReceivingTicketValidationFilter]
A detailed walk through a CAS authentication
(and how to get your mits on the authenticated user)
Step 9 – CAS server responds to ticket check
CAS server response (notice the NEW attributes!):
20110329 09:16:52,327 DEBUG [org.jasig.cas.client.validation.Cas20ServiceTicketValidator]
A detailed walk through a CAS authentication
(and how to get your mits on the authenticated user)
Step 10 – application server sends requested page
Some CAS clients (including the Java CAS client) can be configured to redirect the browser to the same url, but without the ticket parameter Application server access log:
0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 [29/Mar/2011:09:16:52 0400] "GET /sampleapp/test/?ticket=ST1 bdgbwHIReBonmaudvxJlcas HTTP/1.1" 302 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 [29/Mar/2011:09:16:52 0400] "GET /sampleapp/test/ HTTP/1.1" 200 202
Purdue University Identity and Access Management
A detailed walk through a CAS authentication
(and how to get your mits on the authenticated user)
Java CAS client
● Previous example used version 3.1.10 Looking at one CAS client will help understand how any of them will need configured Next two slides show the web.xml to configure the Java CAS client for the previous example:
Purdue University Identity and Access Management
A detailed walk through a CAS authentication
A detailed walk through a CAS authentication
(and how to get your mits on the authenticated user)
Continued web.xml for Java CAS client configuration:
A detailed walk through a CAS authentication
(and how to get your mits on the authenticated user)
CAS is not just for web applications
Browsers hold CAS state with a cookie (called CASTGC that holds a CAS ticket granting ticket – TGT), but any client, such as a mobile app, can obtain and store a TGT See Example:
POST a username and password to https://CAS_SERVER_URL/v1/tickets (with “Accept: text/plain” as a header) And if the login/password check out, the server sends back 201 Created Location: https://CAS_SERVER_URL/v1/tickets/{TGT id} If authentication fails, the server returns back a 400 code
Purdue University Identity and Access Management
A detailed walk through a CAS authentication
(and how to get your mits on the authenticated user)
Initiatives for later this year:
Ability to use Boilerkey for CAS authentication:
If Boilerkey is used, CAS server will expose an extra attribute returned by the ticket check that indicates that the authentication was a Boilerkey authentication
Separate mobile app CAS login page Application server administrators will be able to manage CAS ticket check server lists via web page Check for more at:
Purdue University Identity and Access Management
A detailed walk through a CAS authentication
(and how to get your mits on the authenticated user)
Thanks for your attention! Questions? Purdue Identity and Access Management can be reached at Please fill out an evaluation at
Purdue University Identity and Access Management