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【散列表】 它是用一个散列函数把关键字 映射到散列表中的特定位置。 在理想情况下,如果元素e 的关键字为k,散列函 数为f,那么e 在散列表中的位置为f (k)。要搜索关键字为k 的元素,首先要计算出f (k),然后看 表中f (k)处是否有元素。如果有,便找到了该元素。如果没有,说明该字典中不包含该元素。 在前一种情况中,如果要删除该元素,只需把表中f (k)位置置为空即可。在后一种情况中,可 以通过把元素放在f (k)位置以实现插入。 此例是一个理想情况下的散列表,不考虑关键字重复的情况

Java代码 收藏代码

  1. public class HashList {
  2. private String[] table;
  3. private int size;
  4. private int threshold;
  5. private static final int INITIAL_CAPACITY = 10;
  6. private static final int SIZE_INCREASE = 10;
  7. private static final float DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR = 0.75f;
  8. public HashList(){
  10. table = new String[INITIAL_CAPACITY];
  11. }
  12. public HashList(String[] table){
  13. this.table = table;
  14. }
  15. ///
  16. /* Get the actual size of the list
  17. /* @return
  18. /*/
  19. public int size(){
  20. return size;
  21. }
  22. ///
  23. /* for test
  24. /* @return
  25. /*/
  26. public String[] getElements(){
  27. return table;
  28. }
  29. public boolean contains(String element) {
  30. if (element == null) {
  31. return false;
  32. }
  33. if (element.equals(table[getIndex(element)])) {
  34. return true;
  35. }
  36. return false;
  37. }
  38. public void add(String element){
  39. int index = getIndex(element);
  40. if(size>threshold){
  41. resize();
  42. }
  43. table[index] = element;
  44. size++;
  45. }
  46. //private methods
  47. ///
  48. /* resize the array
  49. /*/
  50. private void resize(){
  51. String[] newArray = new String[table.length+SIZE_INCREASE];
  52. for(int i=0;i<table.length;i++){
  53. newArray[i] = table[i];
  54. }
  55. table = newArray;
  56. threshold = (int)(table.length/*DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR);
  57. }
  58. ///
  59. /* get the index of the element
  60. /* @param element
  61. /* @return
  62. /*/
  63. public int getIndex(String element) {
  64. return (element.hashCode() & 0x7FFFFFFF) % table.length;
  65. }
  66. }

来源: [http://tangyanbo.iteye.com/blog/1476372](http://tangyanbo.iteye.com/blog/1476372)

Using Restricted Groups

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Using Restricted Groups

Using Restricted Groups

If you are a medium or large sized organization, you might have thousands of clients and hundreds of servers that you need to manage. Manually trying to manage all of the local groups on all of these computers is difficult, and almost impossible. Have no fear, Group Policy Objects (GPOs) are here! GPOs provide a mechanism that allows you to control the membership in local groups, and even domain groups, on any computer in the Active Directory enterprise. The specific configuration that you use for this task is the Restricted Groups GPO setting.

Do you have users of Windows 2000 and XP Professional computers removing the Domain Administrators group from the local Administrators group on their computer? Do you need to have a special user account placed in the Administrator group of every computer on the network for remote administrative functions?

These are common problems that most network administrators face in a Windows environment. The main problem is that it is hard to control the membership in the local groups on clients and servers throughout the enterprise. If you are a medium or large sized organization, you might have thousands of clients and hundreds of servers that you need to manage. Manually trying to manage all of the local groups on all of these computers is difficult, and almost impossible.

Have no fear, Group Policy Objects (GPOs) are here! GPOs provide a mechanism that allows you to control the membership in local groups, and even domain groups, on any computer in the Active Directory enterprise. The specific configuration that you use for this task is the Restricted Groups GPO setting.

Where do you find Restricted Groups?

Restricted Groups are a node within all GPOs. In this instance, I am only referring to GPOs that reside within Active Directory, not for the local GPO that exists on each computer. The Restricted Groups node exists under the Computer Configuration|Windows Settings|Security Settings node for any GPO in Active Directory. You can see this path and the Restricted Groups node in Figure 1.

http://www.windowsecurity.com/img/upl/image0021101382950147.jpg Figure 1: Restricted Groups node within a common GPO in Active Directory

Two things of value to notice about the graphic. First, the Restricted Groups policy affects the computer account, not the user accounts. Therefore, you will need to target the GPOs where you configure Restricted Groups to organizational units (OUs) that contain computer accounts.

The other point that I want to make about Restricted Groups is that they are not configured by default. No new GPO has Restricted Groups configured initially. The two default GPOs, Default Domain Policy and Default Domain Controller Policy, don’t have any Restricted Groups configured by default either.

What can a Restricted Group provide?

The Restricted Group setting allows you to configure membership in groups within Active Directory or in the local security accounts manager (SAM) of clients and servers that have joined the domain. Since the Restricted Group setting is only available in a GPO linked to an Active Directory node, the setting is centralized for both administration and deployment.

To create a Restricted Group, you only need to create a GPO, then access the Restricted Groups node as described above. Once at the Restricted Groups node, you will right-click on it and select Add Group. Enter the Group name, or browse for it in the Active Directory database. After you create the group, it will show up in the right hand pane under the Group Name column.

There are two different ways to control the membership of groups using Restricted Groups. The first controls the membership of a specified group, while the other setting control which groups the specified group has membership within.

  • Members of this group – This setting allows you to control the members of the group that you specify for the policy. The members can include both user and group accounts. When you configure the members of a group, it will overwrite the existing membership of the group and replace the members with those specified within the GPO. If you were to configure this setting and leave the members blank, then the group would not have any members after the GPO applied to the computer. To configure the members of a Restricted Group, you will double-click the group name that you created under the Restricted Group node. This will open up the group Properties sheet. Then, you will click the Add button for the “Members of this group” section of the form, as shown in Figure 2.

http://www.windowsecurity.com/img/upl/image0041101382950162.jpg Figure 2: Configuration interface to add members to a Restricted Group.

  • This group is a member of – This setting allows you to control which other groups the specified group has membership in. All groups that you configure in this interface must meet the approved group nesting rules. Therefore, you can’t configure a local group to have membership in another group, since local groups can’t be placed in Active Directory groups, nor placed in other local groups. If the list of groups in this section is left blank, it will not remove the specified group from any existing groups, it will just not place it in additional groups.
    To configure the membership in other groups of a Restricted Group, you will double-click the group name that you created under Restricted Group node. This will open up the group Properties sheet. Then, you will click the Add button for the “This group is a member of” section of the form, as shown in Figure 3.

http://www.windowsecurity.com/img/upl/image0061101382950162.jpg Figure 3: Configuration interface to add groups to be a member of other groups within the Restricted Group policy.

Common uses for Restricted Groups

There are some common uses for Restricted Groups in companies of all sizes. Here are some ways that you can take full advantage of Restricted Groups for different situations on clients, servers, and domain controllers.

  • Control the membership of the local Administrators group on all client computers to include the following accounts:

  • Administrator (local SAM account)

  • Domain Admins
  • SMS or other remote admin domain account

Another indirect benefit of using the Restricted Group setting is that it will automatically remove any local user accounts that should not be added to the Administrators group. This typically includes local user accounts that have been created by the user of the computer, to bypass domain security.

  • Control the membership of the Enterprise Admins and Schema Admins groups. These groups should not be used that often, unless a large and important change is going to occur to a portion of Active Directory. By using the Restricted Group setting, you can manage and control the membership better and ensure that an incorrect account is not added to these groups incorrectly.
  • Control the membership of local groups on file servers. File servers typically have many local groups. These local groups typically nest global groups from Active Directory. You can use the Restricted Groups to keep the membership of these groups consistent and persistent from a central location of Active Directory.

Tips for Restricted Groups

Here are some general tips to ensure that your implementation of Restricted Groups goes smoothly.

  • Make sure that the GPOs are linked to OUs that contain computer accounts
  • Make sure you don’t try to configure invalid group nesting rules
  • When adding members to a group, you will need to add all members through the GPO
  • Use the Restricted Groups to control membership of key administrative groups within Active Directory
  • Test the implementation thoroughly before you deploy, to ensure you don’t prohibit a users capabilities or lock yourself out of a computer

STRONG七、远程桌面 组策略牢牢控制

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STRONG七、远程桌面 组策略牢牢控制-STRONGWindows 2003秘笈大集合系统世界技巧_电脑之家PChome_net

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Windows 2003秘笈大集合

2004-10-15 CBSi中国·PChome.net 责编: 郭爱华

七、远程桌面 组策略牢牢控制

七、远程桌面 组策略牢牢控制

相信大家对Windows 2003中的“远程桌面”功能应该比较熟悉,借助该功能,任何用户都可以轻松实现对服务器的远程访问和管理。如果使用组策略编辑器对“远程桌面”作进一步的设置,就可以使它更好地为我们服务。下面就为大家介绍一下其中的几项设置。



Windows 2003秘笈大集合



● 配置“数据重定向”

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Windows 2003秘笈大集合





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一. 准备

  1. JDK 1.6

  2. 安装 BouncyCaslte 包,把jar放入ext文件夹,并在 java.security 加入 BouncyCaslte 包的 Provider

  3. 概念通俗解释

      安全对象:目前有key pair--即公私钥对;key--包括密钥和单独的公钥、私钥;证书(CRT)--包括X.509 v1、X.509 v2(用于CRL,即证书撤销列表)、X.509 v3。

     数字证书--解释1:公钥+信息(表明此公钥是谁的信息,有固定格式,可以扩展),然后用CA的私钥对它做签名。有些信息只有 X.509 V3版本才能填写,因为有相对V1新增的扩展域。

     数字证书--解释2:是将用户(或其他实体)身份与公钥绑定的信息载体。一个合法的数字证书不仅要符合 X509 格式规范,还必须有 CA 的签名。用户不仅有自己的数字证书,还必须有对应的私钥。X509v3 数字证书主要包含的内容有:证书版本、证书序列号、签名算法、颁发者信息、有效时间、持有者信息、公钥信息、颁发者 ID、持有者 ID 和扩展项。



二. 编码

  1. 编码的目的:为了把结构复杂的安全对象(如公钥、私钥、证书等)变成字节流以便存储和传递。

  2. 编码和文件格式


     辨别编码规则(DER),可包含所有私钥、公钥和证书。它是大多数浏览器的缺省格式,并按 ASN.1 DER 格式存储,是无报头的,可以存为二进制或Base64编码。PEM 是用文本报头包围的 DER。


     Openssl使用 PEM(Privacy Enhanced Mail)格式来存放各种信息,它是openssl 默认采用的信息存放方式。Openssl 中的 PEM 文件一般包含如下信息:

     1. 内容类型:表明本文件存放的是什么信息内容,它的形式为“——BEGIN XXXX——”,与结尾的“——END XXXX——”对应。

     2. 头信息:表明数据是如何被处理后存放,openssl 中用的最多的是加密信息,比如加密算法以及初始化向量 iv。

     3. 信息体:为 BASE64 编码的数据。可以包括所有私钥(RSA 和 DSA)、公钥(RSA 和 DSA)、证书请求和 (x509) 证书。它存储用 Base64 编码的 DER 格式数据,用 ASCII 报头包围,因此适合系统之间的文本模式传输。

PFX 或 P12

     公钥加密标准 /#12 (PKCS/#12) 可包含所有私钥、公钥和证书。其以二进制格式存储,也称为 PFX 文件,通常以p12为扩展名,Windows下可以直接运行导入到IE浏览器,一般用来导入私钥。






  1. Windows下常用格式


三. 各步骤描述

  1. 生成CA步骤

      1) 生成一个公私钥对
      2) 用私钥对身份信息和公钥签名,即生成 CA证书,同时私钥就是 CA私钥了
  1. 签发证书步骤1

      1) 生成一个公私钥对
      2) 用CA的私钥对身份信息和公钥签名,即生成了此CA签发的证书了
  1. 签发证书步骤2

      1) 生成一个公私钥对
      2) 用私钥对身份信息和公钥签名后生成证书请求文件(CSR),一般使用 PKCS/#10 格式保存CSR
      3) 提取CSR里的公钥和信息,用CA的私钥签名,即生成了此CA签发的证书了

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