单点登录CAS Server 介绍

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单点登录CAS Server 介绍

全部 Hibernate Spring Struts iBATIS 企业应用 Lucene SOA Java综合 设计模式 Tomcat OO JBoss 浏览 3057 次 锁定老帖子 主题:单点登录CAS Server 介绍

精华帖 (0) :: 良好帖 (0) :: 新手帖 (2) :: 隐藏帖 (0) 作者 正文 * boli.jiang

  • 等级: 初级会员
  • boli.jiang的博客
  • 性别:
  • 文章: 3
  • 积分: 40
  • 来自: 成都
  • 发表时间:2010-04-22 最后修改:2010-04-23

< > 猎头职位: 上海: 【上海】外资企业高新诚聘web开发工程师


下面的讲解基于CAS Server 3.3.5版本。

CAS Server 配置文件








ticketGrantingTicketCookieGenerator.xml:TGT cookie属性相关,是否支持http也在这儿修改



warnCookieGenerator.xml:同ticketGrantingTicketCookieGenerator.xml,生成的 cookie名为CASPRIVACY




对应的处理类是org.jasig.cas.web.ServiceValidateController,主要负责对service ticket的验证,失败返回casServiceValidationFailure.jsp,成功返回casServiceValidationSuccess.jsp

对service ticket的验证是通过client端向server端发送http(或https)实现的








在中心认证进行认证的过程中会调用deployerConfigContext.xml中设置的AuthenticationHandler来进行认证工作。 Java代码 收藏代码

  1. <!--
  2. This is the authentication handler that authenticates services by means of callback via SSL, thereby validating
  3. a server side SSL certificate.
  4. -->
  5. <bean class="org.jasig.cas.authentication.handler.support.HttpBasedServiceCredentialsAuthenticationHandler"
  6. p:httpClient-ref="httpClient" />
  7. <!--
  8. This is the authentication handler declaration that every CAS deployer will need to change before deploying CAS
  9. into production. The default SimpleTestUsernamePasswordAuthenticationHandler authenticates UsernamePasswordCredentials
  10. where the username equals the password. You will need to replace this with an AuthenticationHandler that implements your
  11. local authentication strategy. You might accomplish this by coding a new such handler and declaring
  12. edu.someschool.its.cas.MySpecialHandler here, or you might use one of the handlers provided in the adaptors modules.
  13. -->
  14. <bean
  15. class="org.jasig.cas.authentication.handler.support.SimpleTestUsernamePasswordAuthenticationHandler" />
  16. </list
  17. 如上,我们定义了3个AuthenticationHandler,这正是CAS的一个 ,通过配置,我们可以实现针对不同的应用提供不同的认证方式,这样可以实现任意的中心认证。再来看看AuthenticationHandler的代码

Java代码 收藏代码

  1. ///
  2. /* Method to determine if the credentials supplied are valid.
  3. /*
  4. /* @param credentials The credentials to validate.
  5. /* @return true if valid, return false otherwise.
  6. /* @throws AuthenticationException An AuthenticationException can contain
  7. /* details about why a particular authentication request failed.
  8. /*/
  9. boolean authenticate(Credentials credentials)
  10. throws AuthenticationException;
  11. ///
  12. /* Method to check if the handler knows how to handle the credentials
  13. /* provided. It may be a simple check of the Credentials class or something
  14. /* more complicated such as scanning the information contained in the
  15. /* Credentials object.
  16. /*
  17. /* @param credentials The credentials to check.
  18. /* @return true if the handler supports the Credentials, false othewrise.
  19. /*/
  20. boolean supports(Credentials credentials);
    /// / Method to determine if the credentials supplied are valid. / / @param credentials The credentials to validate. / @return true if valid, return false otherwise. / @throws AuthenticationException An AuthenticationException can contain / details about why a particular authentication request failed. // boolean authenticate(Credentials credentials) throws AuthenticationException; /// / Method to check if the handler knows how to handle the credentials / provided. It may be a simple check of the Credentials class or something / more complicated such as scanning the information contained in the / Credentials object. / / @param credentials The credentials to check. / @return true if the handler supports the Credentials, false othewrise. /*/ boolean supports(Credentials credentials);


Java代码 收藏代码

  1. <bean id="authenticationViaFormAction" class="org.jasig.cas.web.flow.AuthenticationViaFormAction"
  2. p:formObjectClass="com.goldarmor.live800.cas.Live800CasCredentials"
  3. p:centralAuthenticationService-ref="centralAuthenticationService"
  4. p:warnCookieGenerator-ref="warnCookieGenerator" />


通过AuthenticationHandler的认证后,会调用在deployerConfigContext.xml中配置的credentialsToPrincipalResolvers来处理Credentials,生成Principal对象: Java代码 收藏代码

  1. <!--
  2. UsernamePasswordCredentialsToPrincipalResolver supports the UsernamePasswordCredentials that we use for /login
  3. by default and produces SimplePrincipal instances conveying the username from the credentials.
  4. If you've changed your LoginFormAction to use credentials other than UsernamePasswordCredentials then you will also
  5. need to change this bean declaration (or add additional declarations) to declare a CredentialsToPrincipalResolver that supports the
  6. Credentials you are using.
  7. --> <bean
  8. class="org.jasig.cas.authentication.principal.UsernamePasswordCredentialsToPrincipalResolver" />
  9. <!--
  10. HttpBasedServiceCredentialsToPrincipalResolver supports HttpBasedCredentials. It supports the CAS 2.0 approach of
  11. authenticating services by SSL callback, extracting the callback URL from the Credentials and representing it as a
  12. SimpleService identified by that callback URL.
  13. If you are representing services by something more or other than an HTTPS URL whereat they are able to
  14. receive a proxy callback, you will need to change this bean declaration (or add additional declarations).
  15. -->
  16. <bean
  17. class="org.jasig.cas.authentication.principal.HttpBasedServiceCredentialsToPrincipalResolver" />
  18. 如上:我们也可以像定义AuthenticationHandler一样,可以定义多个credentialsToPrincipalResolvers来处理Credentials,返回你所需要的Principal对象,下面来看看credentialsToPrincipalResolvers的方法:

Java代码 收藏代码

  1. ///
  2. /* Turn Credentials into a Principal object by analyzing the information
  3. /* provided in the Credentials and constructing a Principal object based on
  4. /* that information or information derived from the Credentials object.
  5. /*
  6. /* @param credentials from which to resolve Principal
  7. /* @return resolved Principal, or null if the principal could not be resolved.
  8. /*/
  9. Principal resolvePrincipal(Credentials credentials);
  10. ///
  11. /* Determine if a credentials type is supported by this resolver. This is
  12. /* checked before calling resolve principal.
  13. /*
  14. /* @param credentials The credentials to check if we support.
  15. /* @return true if we support these credentials, false otherwise.
  16. /*/
  17. boolean supports(Credentials credentials);
    /// / Turn Credentials into a Principal object by analyzing the information / provided in the Credentials and constructing a Principal object based on / that information or information derived from the Credentials object. / / @param credentials from which to resolve Principal / @return resolved Principal, or null if the principal could not be resolved. // Principal resolvePrincipal(Credentials credentials); /// / Determine if a credentials type is supported by this resolver. This is / checked before calling resolve principal. / / @param credentials The credentials to check if we support. / @return true if we support these credentials, false otherwise. /*/ boolean supports(Credentials credentials);


Java代码 收藏代码

  1. List getChainedAuthentications();
  2. ///
  3. /* True if the validated ticket was granted in the same transaction as that
  4. /* in which its grantor GrantingTicket was originally issued.
  5. /*
  6. /* @return true if validated ticket was granted simultaneous with its
  7. /* grantor's issuance
  8. /*/
  9. boolean isFromNewLogin();
  10. ///
  11. /* Method to obtain the service for which we are asserting this ticket is
  12. /* valid for.
  13. /*
  14. /* @return the service for which we are asserting this ticket is valid for.
  15. /*/
  16. Service getService();
    List getChainedAuthentications(); /// / True if the validated ticket was granted in the same transaction as that / in which its grantor GrantingTicket was originally issued. / / @return true if validated ticket was granted simultaneous with its / grantor's issuance // boolean isFromNewLogin(); /// / Method to obtain the service for which we are asserting this ticket is / valid for. / / @return the service for which we are asserting this ticket is valid for. /*/ Service getService();


Java代码 收藏代码

  1. ///
  2. /* Method to obtain the Principal.
  3. /*
  4. /* @return a Principal implementation
  5. /*/
  6. Principal getPrincipal();
  7. ///
  8. /* Method to retrieve the timestamp of when this Authentication object was
  9. /* created.
  10. /*
  11. /* @return the date/time the authentication occurred.
  12. /*/
  13. Date getAuthenticatedDate();
  14. ///
  15. /* Attributes of the authentication (not the Principal).
  16. /* @return the map of attributes.
  17. /*/
  18. Map getAttributes();
    /// / Method to obtain the Principal. / / @return a Principal implementation // Principal getPrincipal(); /// / Method to retrieve the timestamp of when this Authentication object was / created. / / @return the date/time the authentication occurred. // Date getAuthenticatedDate(); /// / Attributes of the authentication (not the Principal). / @return the map of attributes. // Map getAttributes();

    而这其中的Principal就来源于上面提到的由credentialsToPrincipalResolvers处理得到的Principal对象,最后看一下Principal的代码,我们只要再做一个实现他的代码,整个CAS Server就可以信手拈来了,呵呵

Java代码 收藏代码

  1. ///
  2. /* Returns the unique id for the Principal
  3. /* @return the unique id for the Principal.
  4. /*/
  5. String getId();
  6. ///
  7. /*
  8. /* @return
  9. /*/
  10. Map getAttributes();
    /// / Returns the unique id for the Principal / @return the unique id for the Principal. // String getId(); /// / / @return // Map getAttributes();


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